Tag Archive: Sweden

Stockholm by Night

Stockholm is a beautiful city. The water ways mean that ships, boats and ferries abound. It also means that on a quiet night the still water reflects the beauty of the city. Enjoy this… Continue reading

Well that f*ing hurt and other thoughts about early sunsets

I thought I was so cool. I used to ride horses. I’m totally gunna dismount this giant metal cat like a bad ass. I lean forward and swing my leg up and… WHACK! This… Continue reading

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Sweden!

Stockholm by Water (without spending a fortune)

Stockholm is often termed the Venice of Scandinavia and not without warrant. The city is built on an elaborate series of canals and islands. It sits on the second largest archipelago in the… Continue reading

Magic Fish in Vinegar

There is something special about white fish soaked in white vinegar, onions, peppercorns and magic. (The magic has to come from somewhere right?) This combination produces firm fish with a sweet and tangy… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Skating in Stockholm

Finding a new ‘Potts’ in Sweden

I thought there could only be one of him. That it would be physically impossible for there to be someone so unapologetically enthusiastic and strnage, but then I met his clone in Stockholm.

Silent Sunday: Arriving in Stockholm

Uppsala on wheels

‘Help me. I’m poor’ said every college student to visit Sweden ever. Don’t be fooled by the ten to one conversion rate (1 USD for every 10 Kroner) because when you decide that… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Stockholm Reflections

  • One odd ball Minnesota gal exploring the world, sharing stories, taking lots of pictures, and generally being awckward.

  • June 2024
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