Category Archive: Iowa

Silent Sunday: Morning After

Silent Sunday: Snow in Iowa

Waiting for the drop: Thoughts on Graduation

My apartment and my life are in chaotic flux, the evidence of my non-transient life explode in excess, reflecting the anxieties and apprehensions that the unknown evokes in me. This Saturday I graduate… Continue reading

German Files: Discovering Snow

“How many weeks do you usually have snow where you come from?” my dad asked as we sat around waiting for our Jucy Lucys to be delivered a few weeks ago. Without missing… Continue reading

My tortilla is better than yours

Ok. So that is probably a lie. In fact my tortilla might even have been qualified as painfully mediocre, but it almost, almost, tastes like Spain and I love it. When I was… Continue reading

Boob cheese in America

Why yelling LOOK BOOBS at a grocery store is totally ok, as long as you are talking about cheese.

Silent Sunday: Bringing the Mountains to Iowa

My 21st year… according to the internet

My birthday has never been a big deal. Now, before you freak out, what I mean by that is that it has rarely warranted a big party or to-do. A meal made for… Continue reading

Its gray and wet and I love it

Fall arrived, at least for the day, in Iowa yesterday. The temperature dropped and the heavens opened. I was delighted beyond words. Perhaps my love of rain makes me strange, in fact it… Continue reading

Summer haiku pt 1

The long days of summer are slowly pulling away from Iowa. School started Monday and I can’t tell if the whirlwind of activity is real or just a feeling rubbing off of the… Continue reading

  • One odd ball Minnesota gal exploring the world, sharing stories, taking lots of pictures, and generally being awckward.

  • May 2024
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