Tag Archive: Uppsala

Well that f*ing hurt and other thoughts about early sunsets

I thought I was so cool. I used to ride horses. I’m totally gunna dismount this giant metal cat like a bad ass. I lean forward and swing my leg up and… WHACK! This… Continue reading

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Sweden!

Uppsala on wheels

‘Help me. I’m poor’ said every college student to visit Sweden ever. Don’t be fooled by the ten to one conversion rate (1 USD for every 10 Kroner) because when you decide that… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Uppsala, Sweden

Don’t panic. Buy a jacket!

Anyone who travels extensively is likely to tell you “PACK LIGHT!” but what does that really mean? While there are blogs dedicated to the topic of what to pack when you travel I… Continue reading

Friday Flashback: Scares in Sweden

It has been almost exactly a year to the day since I set off on my Swedish adventure. My friends and I explored Stockholm and Uppsala, a college town north of Stockholm. The… Continue reading

  • One odd ball Minnesota gal exploring the world, sharing stories, taking lots of pictures, and generally being awckward.

  • June 2024
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