Monthly Archive: September, 2014

Silent Sunday: Stockholm Reflections

“My people! I’ve arrived!” and other reflections on Sweden

I woke up as the bus hit a jolt and saw the country side whizzing by. ‘I’m home,’  I thought and drifted back to sleep. As we hit the next bump and my… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Faces of the Camino

In honor of the Friday Flashback.

Friday Flashback: Ice-Storm Adventures

This week I found my favorite video from the Camino de Santiago. I have no proper words to describe it, so I did the only logical thing and wrote a poem. Please enjoy… Continue reading

Pa amb Oli

Pa amb oli. If you say it really fast it sounds like baloney, like the sausage. Yet this Spanish staple is far simpler and has found a far surer place in my heart. Pa amb oli means… Continue reading

Letters from Madagascar: Trouble in Paradise

Hannah sent her first letter from Madagascar today. When the ping showed up on my phone I had to pull over (in the middle of a five hour drive) just to be able… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Palma Love

Silent Sunday: Uppsala, Sweden

My 21st year… according to the internet

My birthday has never been a big deal. Now, before you freak out, what I mean by that is that it has rarely warranted a big party or to-do. A meal made for… Continue reading

Sing in the shower, dance in the rain, and other inspiration from a letter from the past

First of all happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you are fortunate enough to have the day off and enjoy a long weekend during these dog days of summer. My weekend was filled… Continue reading

  • One odd ball Minnesota gal exploring the world, sharing stories, taking lots of pictures, and generally being awckward.

  • September 2014
    M T W T F S S
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