Monthly Archive: November, 2014

Silent Sunday: Pie day 5k

German Files: The land of 10,000 lakes

You just can’t get there from here is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot in Iowa, especially if you don’t own a car. This state is vast and flat and the… Continue reading

Letters from Madagascar: Reflections on Privilege

After the week was over, after a final dance competition where all the villages came together, after changing out of my smelly, stained clothing and into a clean, flea-less swimsuit and lamba, after… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Busy as a Bee

Mallorca by Mountain: An Easter Adventure

We put training wheels on our bikes so we can learn how to ride. I though that hiking the Dry Stone Route in Mallorca would be a great set of training wheels for… Continue reading

Eat Like a Local in Palma de Mallorca

The phrase ‘Oooh! a McDonalds!’ lets eat there, is one which could make me weep, especially when traveling. We go out to see the world and too often find ourselves surrounded by the… Continue reading

German Files: Discovering Snow

“How many weeks do you usually have snow where you come from?” my dad asked as we sat around waiting for our Jucy Lucys to be delivered a few weeks ago. Without missing… Continue reading

Letters from Madagascar: Zebu, Dancing and Personal Space

On our next morning in Faux Cap, Lili, a Malagasy student at the Centre Ecologique à Libanona (CEL), and I met our host family and travelled to our village.  Lili was my translator,… Continue reading

Silent Sunday Double Feature: Signorelli’s in San Diego 

Small Program; Big Adventure: Hiking with CIEE

One side is Mountains on side beach. CIEE helped us find some great beaches during our first month on the island, but I was most struck by the other side of the island, the… Continue reading

  • One odd ball Minnesota gal exploring the world, sharing stories, taking lots of pictures, and generally being awckward.

  • November 2014
    M T W T F S S
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