Monthly Archive: November, 2014

Put the cheese in the patty love and eat it all up

Now if you sang that title to put the lime in the coconut you are my new favorite reader. Though if you didn’t hear it before I bet you hear it now, eh?… Continue reading

German Files: Life on a stick

Showing someone around a college town in Iowa is not particularly challenging. There is really not that much to do, but the twin cities proved to be a challenge. Julia and I were… Continue reading

Letters from Madagascar: The land of Faux Cap

Greetings!  After being on the road for the last month, I am kind of sort of in one place long enough to start catching up.  But not really.  So I’m just going to… Continue reading

Silent Sunday: Re-discovering Minneapolis

More Than Just Beaches: The Mallorca I Miss Most

I lived on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. For. A. Year. Let me repeat that. I lived on an island in the Mediterranean for a year. It was amazing, beautiful and filled… Continue reading

That one time I made pink ‘rice krispy’ treats

The hot bubbling pink goo ball looked like something out of a bad science fiction movie. It wasn’t surprising, therefore, that my madre and host sister, Lola, looked at me like I had… Continue reading

German Files: Introducing the German Lady

I didn’t pick her. I wanted to live with the charming gay transfer student from Chicagoland. Perhaps i was harboring some Will & Grace fantasy, but it was more likely a fear of… Continue reading

Pictures from Madagascar: Carniverous Plants

When I (LU) think of carnivorous plants I think of little venus fly traps. They are almost cute, flesh melting goo and all.* So when Hannah posted on Facebook about carnivorous plants that… Continue reading

Bilbao Beuaty

  • One odd ball Minnesota gal exploring the world, sharing stories, taking lots of pictures, and generally being awckward.

  • November 2014
    M T W T F S S
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